Membership Fees


Total annual 2023 youth fee  due at recharter for youth members in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts - $116.00. Includes $80.00 for the National BSA membership fee and $36.00 for the Fair Share ($30.00) and insurance ($6.00) fee.

Total annual 2023 youth fee due at recharter for youth members in Exploring - $65.00. Includes $50.00 for the National BSA membership fee and $15.00 for Fair Share and Insurance fee.

Multi-Scout Family Discount - $20.00 for each additional Scout. For example, a Scout family with three Scouts would pay $116.00 for the first scout and $96.00 for the second Scout and $96.00 for the third Scout. These discounts are recognized only during the recharter period.

Scouts Life Magazine - Additional $15.00 per year. 


Total annual 2023 adult leader fee - $81.00 per adult.

Note: Total adult leader fee includes adults registered in a unit position, district committee members and commissioners. The total adult leader fee includes $60.00 for the National BSA membership fee and $15.00 for the Fair Share fee and $6.00 for the insurance fee.

Merit Badge Counselors - All Merit Badge Counselors who are not registered in another position will pay an annual $25 National Fee. No Local Council fee is required for Merit Badge Counselors.

No-Fee-Required Registrations – Executive officer and Lion and Tiger adult partner positions do not require a registration fee because they are not registered adult leader positions. These positions also do not require a completed BSA adult application and are not submitted for a criminal background check. While Youth Protection training is not required for adults holding these positions, it is recommended for all participating adults.


National BSA annual re-charter fee for units - $100.00


In-council transfers (Arrow of Light to Scout) have no fee. Transfer can be done online at or by filling out a BSA Application and submitting it to the council service center.


View the infographic outlining the updated National BSA membership fees.