Scouts BSA Summer Camp


Experience true Adventure

So much can be learned and discovered in just one week of camp verses a whole year of meetings.  A scout can develop and practice their leadership, character, service, environmental stewardship, and advancement all within one week of great fun.   If you are considering a camp to attend this summer, look no further than Custaloga Town Scout Reservation.

This year we are excited to announce changes to our dining experience and offer a new slate of program opportunities.  We have partnered with a professional food service to offer scouts and scouters a top-quality dining experience.  There will be new nightly program activities including a trailgating party and a bonus merit badge night.  In addition our new Eagle Week will feature exclusive Eagle Scout merit badges.  With many new opportunities, there are some things that will never change, and that is the fun you and your unit will have at CTSR!  From hiking around the Beaver Pond, shooting skeet, flying on our 900ft zip line, to gliding across Heydrick Pond in a kayak; and so much more, you will not be disappointed.

View the 2024 Resident Camp Guide


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We are so excited to be partnering with Upper Crust Food Service this summer to provide a dining expereince like no other! Check them out:

Eagle/Special Programs Week New This Summer!

EagleSpecial Programs Week
Eagle Week Schedule 2024